
Trent Up In the Webstore

Trent Miniatures is now up in the webstore. We've got most of his DeeZee Prehistoric Miniatures, Newark Characters line, and have about half of his Sci-fi and French Revolutionary War era Napoleonics.

We'll be adding some pics over the next week or so and the rest of it should be up after Little Wars.

I've also added Balkans War packs to the Turks (bwt02 Turkish Infantry in Action) and the Greeks (bwg14 Mounted Evezones) for Tiger Miniatures.


War Rocket Imperials Filled Out

New War Rocket models are up and on the website after the debut at Cold Wars. Some of my favorite models in the range and highly anticipated.

I've also fixed a bug that kept Killer B's Geezers from being put into our webstore's Paypal cart. Trent Miniature's first set of blisters should be up early next week.


March Hydra Releases

A new package from Hydra has come in containing a new Galacteer character, the new Slishians, and the Imperial size 3 and 4 War Rocket ships. All will be available at Cold Wars and soon after on the website.

Unfortunately I don't believe we have any War Rocket rule books. I'm not sure how that fact managed to get by us. There's a chance we'll get some more before the show, we'll see.
Update: We've gotten the books in, and have a pretty good stock of just about everything.


Some Reviews

Zombie game blogger Vampifan has added a couple of thorough reviews of our zombies to his quite extensive blog.

Check 'em out.


Trent Miniatures at Cold Wars

We'll be heading off to Cold Wars in a few days, and we will be carting a new manufacturer in the form of Trent Miniatures. Trent makes a bunch of nice little lines: Various Early Napoleonics, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Historical characters, Prehistorics, and so on.

We don't have everything yet and, baring a surprise set of packages, here is what we're going to be bringing to the show:

-DeeZee Miniatures-
2 Brontotherium F
3 Elasmotherium B
6 Elasmotherium young charging C
7 Wooly Rhino trotting C
8 Wooly Rhino charging C
9 Dire Wolf C
10 Cave Bear rearing C
11 Cave Bear prowling C
13 Smilodon pouncing D
14 Dinofelis D
15 Smilodon variant D
16 Crocodile C
17 Vultures E
19 Old Bull Bison C
20 Frisky Young Bison E
21 Tiger E
22 Prehistoric Crocodile E
23 Lion springing D
24 Hippopotamus C
25 Tigress A
Cave Bear attacking C

-Trent Newark Characters-
NC01 Prince Rupert A
NC04 Lady Godiva myth and reality E
NC05 King John A
NC06 Gonville Bromhead fact and film A
NC07 Maid Marion and Friar Tuck A
NC08 General Sikorski AA
NC09 Sir John Savage AA
NC10 King John bare headed A

-Caribbean Revolution-
CAR01 British Officers E
CAR03 Revolting Slaves with firearms B
CAR04 Revolting Slaves arms blanche A
NC05 Chasseurs des Irois B
NC06 Chasseurs Ste. Domingue B

-Trent SCI FI-
Synguree fighters I B
Synguree fighters II B

-French Revolutionary War Period-
FA01 FR foot artillery crew C
FA02 Fr horse art. Crew C
FA03 Gribeauval 12lb D
FA04 Gribeauval 8lb D
FA05 Gribeauval Howitzer E
FA06 Gribeauval Limber A
FA07 Gribeauval 4lb D

FCG01 Consular Garde Grenadier B
FCG02 Consular Garde Grenadier Command E

FL01 FR Ligne
FL02 FR Ligne march advance B
FL03 FR Ligne firing line B
FL04 FR Ligne 'scruffy' B
FL05 FR Ligne command E
FL06 FR Ligne
FL07 FR Ligne elite bearskin march B
FL08 FR Ligne
FL09 FR Ligne elite plumed bicorn march B
FL10 FR Ligne elite plumed bicorn firing lineB
FL11 FR Ligne command bis E

FC01 FR Dragoons B
FC02 FR Dragoons command B

FLE01 FR Legere center coy mirleton B
FLE02 FR Legere elite bearskin B
FLE03 Fr Legere command E
FLE04 FR Legere elite shako B
FLE05 FR Legere elite command shako B

Napoleon 1st consul 1800 A

HUS01 Officer in Colpack A

BC01 Hompesch mounted rifles B
BC02 Hompesch mounted offier A

MCP01 General Brune A
MCP02 General Lecourbe A
MCP04 General Humbert A

RU01 Musketeer Adv/Campaign B
RU02 Musketeer command E
RU03 Colonel mounted A
RU04 Grenadier adv B
RU05 Grenadier command E
RU06 Musketeer forage caps B

EQ03 Small Wheels 24mm dia. E
EQ04 Large Wheels 28mm dia. E
EQ06 Large Casks with stand C

-Irish Troubles '98-
IR'98 02 Irish Insurgents w/firearms B
IR'98 04 Irish Militia I C
IR'98 05 Highland Fencibles I C
IR'98 06 5th Bn 60th Foot C

Prices in USD.
AA 2.50
A 5.00
B 14.00
C 10.00
D 6.00
E 7.50
F 20.00

Hydra's restock and new stuff aren't here as of this posting. And though I'll bring our demo stuff for War Rocket I don't know that we'll have enough room to set it up.