
Stock Painting December 9th, 2011

Been too long since I last did one of these, but I hope to get these out more regularly now that convention season is over for the year. So here we have a pair of sabertooth cats from Trent's DeeZee line.

Trent DZ013 $6.00 USD

Trent DZ014 $6.00 USD

These two are available here.

I've also put up a new item in our painted terrain section: A set of 28mm Roman tents from Acheson Creations. The camp set includes one large Roman officer's tent and four smaller troop tents for $75.00 USD. These would make for a nice centerpiece set-up for an ancients skirmish game, or maybe as a base camp for an archaeological expedition for you pulp guys.

I've put up the dimensions for the tents and their bases along with larger pics on the painted terrain page in the webstore here.

Shown with a Copplestone Castings Future Wars figure for scale.

I've got some 15mm buildings from Timecast coming up next week, as well as more bits and pieces from Acheson. Lots more to put up for painted terrain if you're interested in that kinda thing. :)

Thanks for visiting.